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A company’s culture can be seen as the values and beliefs of the company’s founders through to the collective opinions of the employees, interactions between management and staff, and the environment in which they work. Business culture varies from company to company and can be the reason as to why some people fit into a business culture but not another. Cultural fit is essentially all about matching business culture with the correct individuals that match the set environment within a company. However, the cultural fit shouldn’t be used to discriminate against diversity. A great company culture will reflect a diverse workforce and promote diversity.

There are many reasons why company’s hire for cultural fit, but an overwhelming majority agree that hiring with cultural fit in mind is crucial. One of the many reasons as to why companies should hire using these methods is staff retention. A large majority of your life is spent in the workplace, so it is important employees feel happy in their place of work. If employees feel unhappy within your workplace you could face a staff retention problem, that could also come with additional business costs. If labor turnover is at a high percentage, business owners could find themselves spending additional money on hiring and training costs. Alongside this business owners could find a higher level of absenteeism occurring within the workplace. Culture fit is certainly the most important aspect of employee retainment. Employees that disagree with the values of your organisation won’t be satisfied within their position and will, therefore, be more likely to leave.

Employee engagement is a major part of the retention and culture fit of a company. When an employee’s principles are in agreement with those of the company they work for, they are more likely to be committed to the company. You will also find those who agree with the company’s beliefs will go above and beyond in their work and set high standards for surrounding employees. People who’re in jobs where their personality is matched through their work are more likely to be confident and competent. High employee engagement is critical for business success.

Company culture is a huge driver of business success and is the key to employee engagement, performance and productivity. Organisations that promote a strong culture are generally interested in collaborative working processes and open communication. When these principles are aligned, employees find it easier to communicate. Communication can be crucial within a business in improving the work ethic and drive of the workforce.

Overall, employees who identify more with their company are happier, experience greater job satisfaction, are more committed in work, perform to a higher level and are more likely to stay within the business. This summaries just how important cultural fit it to modern day businesses.


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Posted on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 21:48 by Doug Rasmussen

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